American football evolved within the u. s., originating from the game of rugger. the primary game of yank soccer was compete on Nov six, 1869 between 2 faculty groups, Rutgers and Princeton, beneath rules resembling rugger and association football. a collection of rule changes concerned from 1880 onward by conductor Camp, the "Father of yank Football", established the snap, eleven-player groups and also the idea of downs, and later rule changes legalized the passing play, created the neutral zone and nominal the scale and form of the soccer.
American soccer as a full is that the standard|hottest|most well liked|preferred|most well-liked} sport within the United States; sport and faculty football area unit the foremost popular styles of the sport, with the opposite major levels being highschool and youth soccer. The NFL's championship game, the Super Bowl, is that the hottest single-day sporting event within the u. s. and among the most-watched club sporting events within the world.
football) down the sector by running with or passing it. they need to advance it a minimum of 10 yards in four downs to receive a replacement set of 4 downs and continue the drive; if not, they flip over the soccer to the opposing team. Points area unit scored by advancing the ball into the opposing team's finish zone for a touchdown, kicking the ball through the opponent's goalposts for a field goal or by the defense braving the footballer within the offense's finish zone for a security. The team with the foremost points at the top of a game wins.
American football (NFL)